2022: A Year to Show Initiative
Change rarely happens by accident. An amateur pianist doesn’t magically improve overnight. They progress by intentionally setting aside the time to practice. The same is true for growing in the Christian faith. Change happens when we take initiative.
Initiative is the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
When it comes to maturing in the Christian faith, the “let go and let God” approach doesn’t get us very far. We have to show initiative. In His letter to the Philippian Church, the Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to advance in their maturity in Christ by taking initiative. He exhorts them to “work out their salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). The basis for this working is found in the very next verse: “For it is God who is working in you to both will and to work according to his good purpose” (v. 13). We are instructed to continually cultivate the salvation God has given us in Christ. We live it out by His power that works mightily in us.
Now, put this truth to work in your own life. What area of your life does Jesus want you to show greater initiative? A better attitude at work? A healthier marriage? Growing in your understanding of the Bible? A better prayer life? The reality is, we can grow in a lot of areas; but try to narrow it down to one or two. What area is likely more attainable for improvement? Whatever it is, focus
your attention there.
As we turn the calendar to a new year, let’s make it a year in which we experience real change by taking the initiative in our relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Tim
P.S. Not sure or need help? I’d love to help you develop your own plan of growth for real and lasting change. Reach out to me: tim@forkscommunitychurch.org
Initiative is the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
When it comes to maturing in the Christian faith, the “let go and let God” approach doesn’t get us very far. We have to show initiative. In His letter to the Philippian Church, the Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to advance in their maturity in Christ by taking initiative. He exhorts them to “work out their salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). The basis for this working is found in the very next verse: “For it is God who is working in you to both will and to work according to his good purpose” (v. 13). We are instructed to continually cultivate the salvation God has given us in Christ. We live it out by His power that works mightily in us.
Now, put this truth to work in your own life. What area of your life does Jesus want you to show greater initiative? A better attitude at work? A healthier marriage? Growing in your understanding of the Bible? A better prayer life? The reality is, we can grow in a lot of areas; but try to narrow it down to one or two. What area is likely more attainable for improvement? Whatever it is, focus
your attention there.
As we turn the calendar to a new year, let’s make it a year in which we experience real change by taking the initiative in our relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Tim
P.S. Not sure or need help? I’d love to help you develop your own plan of growth for real and lasting change. Reach out to me: tim@forkscommunitychurch.org
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