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The Unexpected Gift of Hope
by Pastor Tim Zuck on December 2nd, 2024
Hope doesn’t always roar; sometimes it’s a fragile flicker. But even in silence, God is working, and when He moves, hope breaks through."  Read More
Finding Home: Living as Pilgrims in a World That Doesn’t Feel Like Ours
by FCC Church Admin on October 31st, 2024
Ever felt out of place, like you’re a stranger in a world that doesn’t quite feel like home? Peter’s words to the early Christians remind us that this feeling isn’t a mistake—it’s part of our identity. We’re not just here to settle in; we’re called to be pilgrims, chosen by God, journeying toward a home that’s yet to come. Until then, we walk with purpose, grounded in who He says we are, even in a world that feels foreign.  Read More
How Not to Lose Your Mind This Election
by Pastor Tim Zuck on October 7th, 2024
As we navigate this election season, let’s prioritize our heavenly citizenship over earthly affiliations, embodying the values of love and humility as we reflect Christ in our civic responsibilities.  Read More
Beyond the Surface: True Cleansing Through Christ
by Pastor Tim Zuck on September 30th, 2024
No amount of good deeds can wash away the deep stains of sin. Only Jesus can cleanse us fully, from the inside out. Baptism symbolizes this transformation—a new, clean life in Christ through His mercy and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Read More
Salt, Light, and The Lamb: Redefining Influence in a World of Power
by Pastor Tim Zuck on September 23rd, 2024
In a world driven by power, Jesus calls us to influence through humility, mercy, and peace. Discover how living out the counter-cultural values of Christ can transform both our hearts and the world around us.  Read More
Aligning Our Politics with the Kingdom of God: A Call to Discipleship
by Pastor Tim Zuck on September 16th, 2024
For too long, we’ve allowed our political ideologies to be shaped more by culture and partisanship than by the Bible.   Read More
Stopping the Drip of Compromise
by Pastor Tim Zuck on August 28th, 2024
Compromise may start as a slow drip, barely noticeable, but over time, it stains our integrity, weakening the very foundation of our lives. Proverbs 11:3 warns us that the integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the treacherous destroys them. Every small concession chips away at our character, just like pulling a block from a Jenga tower. Eventually, the whole structure can collapse. But with Christ as our foundation, we can conquer compromise and build a legacy of faithfulness, secure in His strength."  Read More
From Small to Significant: Finding Hope in a Big World
by Pastor Tim Zuck on May 1st, 2024
Feeling small in a big world? You're not alone. In the book of Haggai, amidst rebuilding and restoration, God's timeless message of hope speaks to those questioning their significance. Join me on a journey through scripture as we uncover how even the smallest voices can echo with profound purpose.  Read More
"Rising Above Disappointment: Embracing God's Comforting Presence and Promises"
by Pastor Tim Zuck on April 16th, 2024
Unwrap the secrets to conquering disappointment—just like biting into an oatmeal pie, life may not always meet expectations. But with God's presence and promises, find renewed hope and strength to rise above setbacks.   Read More
Shift Gears: Aligning Your Life with God's Priorities
by Pastor Tim Zuck on April 9th, 2024
"Have you ever felt like life is pulling you in too many directions, leaving you frustrated and overwhelmed? Just like a car needing alignment, we can sense when something is off—a misalignment of priorities. This feeling is all too common in our fast-paced world, where competing demands can easily cloud what truly matters.  Read More
"Unveiling Truth - The Resurrection Amidst the Tide of Fake News"
by Pastor Tim Zuck on March 28th, 2024
Amidst the deluge of fake news, we probe the authenticity of Easter. Science, history, and eyewitness accounts converge, unveiling the truth of Christ's resurrection amidst the chaos of misinformation.  Read More
Embracing Emptiness - Finding Fulfillment in Redemption
by Pastor Tim Zuck on March 25th, 2024
In a world of relentless pursuit, the emptiness within persists. The transformative power of the cross offers liberation from spiritual bankruptcy. Redemption fills the void, leading to divine fulfillment. Holiness becomes not just a goal but a reality, as we surrender to the transformative grace of Christ.  Read More



